Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Best Christmas Presents For Swimming Enthusiasts

Can you believe it is less than three weeks until Christmas? As the 25th gets nearer, the pressure is on to make sure that presents are ready, wrapped and under the tree. But are you still struggling to work out what to get your swim-obsessed friend or want to bulk out your own Christmas list? Don't worry - Swim Smooth's got you covered!

Whether you are buying for a beginner, open water, intermediate or advanced swimmer, the Christmas list is sorted! 

See information at the bottom of this post on last Christmas post dates.

Swimming must-haves:

Swim Smooth Silicon Cap

You can't be seen on the pool deck in 2021 without your Swim Smooth Cap. These bright and stylish swim caps come in 5 different designs to suit your individual taste. We recommend the bright pink or green caps to stand out in the open water. 

The Swim Smooth Book

Published in 2012 by Wiley & Son, this is our complete guide to improving your swimming! Packed with tips, advice and processes to help you improve your stroke, wherever you are on your swimming journey. 

Buy here: https://shop.swimsmooth.com/collections/swim-smooth-products/products/ss-the-complete-coaching-system-for-swimmers-and-triathletes

Top Picks For Beginner Swimmers:

Pull Buoy

The humble pull buoy is a simple but essential tool to help you develop your freestyle. Crucial for many Swim Smooth drills, it allows you to turn off your leg kick and focus on arm technique to help you move more efficiently in the water.

FINIS Freestyler Paddles

These paddles are perfect for beginner swimmers. The in stroke feedback they give you allows you to focus on hand entry and position in the water at the front of the stroke. 

Floating Fins

These fins provide you with plenty of additional propulsion so you can focus on constructing your freestyle stroke. They are also perfect for breathing and alignment Swim Smooth drills such as 6/1/6 and 6/3/6 - key drills to help you gain more confidence in the water.  

Top Picks For Intermediate Swimmers

Finis Agility Paddles

The first thing you'll notice about these paddles is the lack of a finger strap. That makes them very comfortable to use but there's so much more to these paddles than the strapless design. The unique shape and profile of the Agilities help you initiate the catch at the front of your stroke so you can develop that all important high elbow catch. A brilliant and unique paddle from Finis. 

Finis Tempo Trainer Pro

Many Swim Smooth training sessions are built around pace-controlled swimming. Whether it is working on your stroke rate or pace in the water, the Tempo Trainer helps with all of that - we like to think of them as a power meter for swimming (only much much cheaper!).

Finis Floating Fins

Don't be tempted by short zoomer style fins. They're great for elite swimmers performing over-speed training but for intermediate swimmers working on their stroke technique you need a mid length flexible fin to give you the right level of propulsion.

Top Picks For Advanced Swimmers

Another brilliant paddle from Finis, the ISO paddles force you to control your pull pathway in ways you have never experienced before. Providing either inside or outside loading you will need to focus on pulling through correctly under the water - remove the paddles afterwards and hey-presto, you'll gain heightened sensory awareness during your entire pull from front to rear.

Buy here: https://shop.swimsmooth.com/collections/paddles/products/finis-iso-paddles

Finis Freestyle Snorkel

A snorkel is a great idea in principle, allowing you to focus on fine tuning your underwater stroke without the interruption of breathing. However, at Swim Smooth we only tend to use them with more advanced swimmers as their feeling in use can be quite distracting (and sometimes even claustrophobic). More advanced swimmers can handle this just fine so unleash this powerful tool on your swimming.

Finis Pulling Ankle Strap / Band

Want to work on your rhythm and timing? You might think of a band as offering your resistance training in the water and whilst they certainly do provide that, they also force you to use a continuous arm stroke with good rhythm, otherwise your legs will immediately sink. If you are thinking about racing in open water then you'll gain a huge amount from some short sets using a band. By putting a little rhythm and purpose into your stroke you will dramatically increase your efficiency in disturbed open water.

Top Picks For Open Water Swimmers

Finis Tempo Trainer Pro

As you know, great open water swimmers need a sense of rhythm and purpose in their stroke to help them drive through disturbed open water. The Tempo Trainer Pro is the perfect tool to help you fine tune that aspect of your swimming. Use yours in mode 3 to increase or decrease your stroke rate in a super controlled way and assess the impact on your performance.

HUUB Sphere Buoyancy Short

Gents, transitioned to the pool for the winter but missing that uplift from your wetsuit? Grab a pair of these neat buoyancy shorts - nearly as much lift to your legs as a wetsuit but without chronic overheating after 400m!

Delivery During A Pandemic

Your Swim Smooth order will be shipped immediately from the UK. Official last Christmas post dates are listed below but please note that some countries have additional customs backlogs due to the Covid19 pandemic so please order in plenty of time if you wish to receive your order by Christmas.

UK: Dec 21st
Australia, New Zealand: Dec 4th
Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Central+South America, Far and Middle East: Dec 9th Canada, Cyprus, Malta: 10th Dec
Greece, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Turkey, Czech Republic, Finland, Italy, Poland, Sweden, USA: 11th Dec
Austria, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg: 16th Dec

Swim Smooth!
Via Sports http://www.rssmix.com/

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