Friday, August 28, 2020

Get Inspired (Like We Do) From Swim Smooth's Instagram

It's hard to believe but it's been over 15 years since Swim Smooth started! We've managed to pack a lot in over the years, travelling around the globe many times running swim clinics and coach education courses, competing in open water swimming events and meeting amazing people from the entire spectrum of the swimming world. It's been a blast!

Our inspiration to keep pushing swim coaching forwards comes from everyone in our swimming community. It has been an honour to meet and hear from so many inspirational people on their swimming journey.

Many of these individuals and experiences have been documented on our Swim Smooth Instagram ( @swimsmooth) - here's a quick selection of our favourite posts:

"Super Sue" Trains To Be The Oldest Person To Swim The English Channel

In 2014 in Perth, Sue Oldham was building up to win back her record of being the oldest woman (at 68) to swim the English Channel. The fact that Sue didn't quite complete her crossing is no issue to us - she's a complete inspiration for all who meet her, showing us the age is no barrier to following your dreams.

Access the full post here:

A True Passion For Swimming And Coaching

Feel the need to upgrade your knowledge and develop your coaching skills? You need to attend our 3 Day Coach Education Course which we operate all around the world.
Mallorca has been a fantastic location for this course the last few years - here's some of the class of 201# showing their true passion for swimming by jumping in the Mediterranean for 2km at dawn before a long day on the pool deck. 

View the full post here:

The World Famous Mega Megan!

Mega Megan's has been an inspiration to many with her epic speed improvements training with the Swim Smooth squads in Perth. Check out how she improved in our previous blog post:

She's still hard at work improving her stroke both in the pool and open water:

Access the full post here: 

Nike Smooth

This was a definite highlight of our many travels around the world! The 3 day Coach Education Course at the Nike Headquarters in Portland, Oregon for 20 budding swim coaches.
And 5 of our USA Swim Smooth Certified Coaches joined us - a true reflection of their dedication to swimming coaching: 

Access the full post here:

Witnessing THAT Breakthrough Feeling!

All our swimmers deserve to get the same feeling that Swim Smooth coach Linda Bostic's swimmer had in her first 1-2-1 video analysis session in Jupiter Florida:

Find your local Swim Smooth coach and achieve your own breakthrough feeling here:

And access the full post here:

Conquering The Channel With Type 1 Diabetes

Bec Johnson swam the 20km Rottnest Channel Swim followed by the Port To Pub swim to raise money for the Type 1 Family Centre in Perth, Australia. She is a regular swimmer in our Perth squad and suffers from Type 1 diabetes herself.

Paul Newsome was honoured to be asked to paddle for Bec during the 20km Rottnest Channel Swim and support her with nutrition and sugar levels for a successful swim. Bec completed the swim in a fantastic time of 6 hours 43 minutes:

Access the full post here:

Want to join and hear more from our swimming community? Like our @swimsmooth instagram page to meet more amazing people like this. 

Swim Smooth!
Via Sports

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