Thursday, June 25, 2020

Just Get To That 7th Swim And You'll Be Fine

It could be that where you live your local pool is re-opening after a Covid-19 shutdown. If you're lucky enough to be in that situation, or planning your return when you can get back in the water, then you may be wondering how long it will take to get back into the swing of things.

The answer might be shorter than you thought. The first sessions back will feel a bit of a struggle but that's OK, keep pushing on through. We predict that on your seventh session, although you won't be back to full fitness, you will be swimming well and feeling pretty good.

So your challenge is simply to keep going and get to that seventh swim - do that by swimming three times two weeks running, we call it: #2weeks6swims

The first few sessions are probably going to be tough as your body wakes back up to the idea of swimming again. Have the motivation to mechanically push through this period and keep coming back knowing that you will reap the rewards of your hard work in two weeks time. By your seventh session, you'll be getting your rhythm back and you will start to feel that old magic again!

To help make this a little easier and encourage you back into the water, we have written a special training plan for you (don't worry it starts gently!). Check out our 'Bounce Back After Covid-19' Training Plan on the Swim Smooth Guru (subscription required). We not only provide plans for your first 6 sessions but also the 28 sessions to carry on after that - so there is no excuse for you to not push through those first two weeks back swimming.

We'd love to support you and others through this so please take pictures and send through to us at or share on instagram and facebook tagging @swimsmooth or Swim Smooth: The World's Most Passionate Swim Coaching and using the hashtag #2weeks6swims. We can't wait to hear about the progress that you have been made!

Stay safe and get to that seventh session...

Swim Smooth!
Via Sports

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