Monday, January 20, 2020

MLK and your swim (yeah, I went there).

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
– Martin Luther King, Jr.

It’s MLK day here in the US, thus the inspirational quote to lead off today’s message.

Challenge and controversy in swimming and triathlon is usually personal. You didn’t make your goal time, you got a DNF, you got sick the day before the race… the controversies never seem to end in your quest for greatness!

You may have messed up or failed to meet your own expectations so many times in the past. But this minute, you can start over.

Perhaps your diet has gone off the rails. Or maybe you over-trained yourself into an injury. None of that matters right now.

The question is, how can you turn things around starting now? Maybe the answer is you need rest. Or you can not beat yourself up, just this one time.

Or maybe you have spent your day watching Netflix and eating Bon Bons (what in the world are Bon Bons anyway?), and the feeling of guilt starts to creep in.

But NOW is the best time to turn it around, turn back on your negativity, and turn on your present motivation, and start manifesting the little victories- which for some days can be simply getting out of the house with running shoes on, or even getting off the couch.

The minutes continue to pass by. The amazing thing about life is that you can pick any one of them- just one of them, and do something new, different, and beyond what you even thought you were capable of. If this is you today:


This will not be you forever.. tomorrow is a new start, a chance to turn it all around, and have the ability to create your own heroic story as you make progress. ๐Ÿ™‚

Swim on!

The post MLK and your swim (yeah, I went there). appeared first on Triathlon Swim Training.

Via Sports

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